Canadian artist Moyra Davey works across photography, film and writing to create intimate, flâneur-like visual essays on the everyday passing of time and her filtered relationship to literature.
Davey’s camera often turns towards the overlooked discards and detritus of daily life while she recounts narratives from her collection of novels and philosophy books, weaving these with anecdotes from her lived present and reflections on her relationships with family, literary influences, psychoanalysis, travels and her personal surroundings.
Four video works elucidate Davey’s investigations into text, in particular her fascination with Mary Wollstonecraft, the Shelley sisters, Jean Genet and other literary and philosophical figures. The exhibition presented a major recent work in its entirety, Subway Writers. This series of photographs of commuters writing on the New York subway draws on the history of mail art; creased, stamped and scuffed after being posted directly to Camden Arts Centre, they retain a physical record of their journey.
The exhibition was accompanied by a publication of Moyra Davey’s writing, I’m Your Fan, edited by Camilla Wills.