Martin Creed makes things. They take many different forms, including objects, statements, songs and performances that exist without hierarchy in his practice.
The materials he works with are ‘everyday’; masking tape, a sheet of paper, lights turning on and off, musical notation, Blu-tack. The works’ simplicity acts as a gesture, triggering our awareness of the intricacy of thought processed involved in our negotiation of space, how we encounter and use objects, and how we decide what to do and what not to do. His works respond to and exist within given architectural and social contexts, be it a contemporary art gallery, a portico of the disused building, or an exhibition in a flat. It is in this way that Martin Creed equates his work with the real, which he has expressed by means of the formula the whole world + the work = the whole world. The exhibition included a range of works from the last twelve years and site-specific works made for the exhibition at Camden Art Centre.